800 confirmed appointments in the first four weeks
Our Events feature was launched just four weeks before gamescom 2024, as a way for video game
PR Agencies, Developers and Publishers to book appointments with video games media and influencers.
In that time we confirmed nearly 800 press meetings for companies like Atari, Amazing Seasun
Games, Owlcat Games, Ancient Machine, Victura, Nordcurrent, UberStrategist and many, many more.
And the feedback from video games media was outstanding - "I feel like half my life is run by
PressEngine now", "It really makes a difference for us", "I found this feature brilliant and
great! Bravo."
So if you want to get video games media and influencers to your event, to your booths and stands
at expos and industry events globally, it's quite simple: Use PressEngine.
Fun fact: the busiest time for gamescom 2024, the slot with the most press
appointments, was 1pm on Wednesday. On average, it was late afternoon on Thursday when the most
appointments happened. And Friday was busier than Wednesday - so everyone leaving early Friday to
get their flight home missed out on more appointments!
If you want to get more from your events, more coverage, more conversations, with press and video
games media, then get in touch, and find out how PressEngine can simplify and enhance your event
experience. Check out our packages.